
Open Farm Day 2019/ Journée agricole portes ouvertes 2019

The Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick Presents: Open Farm Day 2019! On Sunday, September 15th, Select farms will open their gates for free public visits. Farmers feed communities so why not involve the whole family and learn more about our food and our farms. For more information, visit https://fermenbfarm.ca/events/open-farm-day/  Questions? Don't hesitate to email us at alliance@fermenbfarm.ehosting.ca […]

Eating Heritage Symposium Goûter l’histoire

Host/Hôte: La Recolte de Chez Nous/Really local Harvest Coop      Contact/Personne ressource: Catherine Bourque Links/Lien: www.eatingheritage.com Twitter/ Facebook handle: @eatingheritage Hastag: #eatingheritage The first Provincial Gourmet Tourism Symposium. A day of rural tours followed by a welcome cocktail reception at the Resurge Museum in Moncton. The second day will be a full day of […]

NBSCIA Annual General Meeting

Save the date! Where: February 20th & 21st, 2020 Where: Best Western Plus, Woodstock NB For more information, visit https://www.nbscia.ca/en/index.html or https://www.facebook.com/nbscia/photos/a.325897294277566/1178077435726210/?type=3