
About Us

One Strong Voice for Farmers

The Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick (AANB) is the voice of this province’s farmers. And it’s never been stronger or more unified. That’s because in 2006, two groups – the Agriculture Producers’ Association and the Federation des agriculteurs et agricultrices francophones du Nouveau Brunswick – merged to form the AANB – a grassroots, bilingual organization of farmers working for farmers.

Now, as one strong, dynamic and united voice, the Agricultural Alliance is making a significant difference in the lives of and the prosperity of New Brunswick farmers. Since its inception, the Alliance has already achieved significant progress on a number of critical issues impacting the industry.


Farmers Working for Farmers

The Agricultural Alliance of New Brunswick is led and run by farmers. Who better to speak out on issues affecting the agriculture industry?

The Agricultural Alliance is steered by a board of directors comprised of farmers elected by their peers. The board receives its mandate directly from New Brunswick farmers during regional meetings held throughout the province by accepting resolutions that are voted on by delegates during the AANB Annual General meeting. The AANB works in close collaboration with agri-food commodities and agriculture associations and groups. Our efforts are buoyed by a team of professional staff who work on your behalf at the Agricultural Alliance’s Fredericton-based office.

Our mission:

To promote a sustainable and prosperous agriculture industry.

As a general farming organization working solely for local farmers, we are your voice.

We work to ensure that

  • All levels of government hear and respond to your concerns and the issues that affect your farm’s profitability and operations.
  • You have access to the information, training and professional development you need.
  • A positive public image of farmers and the industry is nurtured and communicated throughout the province.
  • Partnerships are forged aimed at improving the industry, its sustainability and your profitability.
  • Progress continues to be made on long-term and emerging issues ranging from labour shortages, land use planning, environmental issues, improved regulations and reduction or elimination of red tape.